Why Rake and Scarify



By raking and scarifying, we generate a few key benefits:

Regulate the Thatch Layer

If the thatch layer of your lawn builds up, this can hinder the growth of your lawn. So, by removing part of this and keeping it to a manageable level, you will see a healthier lawn that is able to thrive.

Remove Dead Material

When moss and weeds are killed, the dead material from these will remain in your lawn still until removed. The best method to remove this material is by raking and scarifying it out afterwards. 

You can then
mow your lawn too to finally pick up this dead matter and dispose of it to free up the space for your lawn to grow. 

Give Your Lawn Space to Grow

If your lawn is surrounded by thatch and dead matter, it will suffocate and stifle the lawn, which prevents it from growing properly. By removing this, it gives your lawn space to grow because of the following:

  • It allows water to percolate into the soil and reach the roots, rather than the thatch layer soaking up all of the moisture
  • It reduces competition for light and allow more sunlight to reach the grass
  • It allows air into the soil to promote growth

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