Moss Control



You may find that during the winter, moss starts to take over your lawn and sprout in areas that have a lower density of grass. Firstly we will need to remove the moss and then replace those gaps with fresh lawn (check out how to re-seed your lawn here). 

Firstly, it is worth saying that the best method of moss control is
prevention. If you have a thick and healthy lawn, you will see little or no moss in your lawn. So, once you have got on top of any moss, keep your lawn filled with dense grass and this shouldn’t be a regular issue for you.

However if you do have moss, the options for removing the moss are as follows:

Iron Sulphate - 9/10

Iron sulphate is bought in a granular format which is then dissolved in water, before applying to your lawn. For guidance on ratios, the product should cover this on the label. If you are looking to use iron sulphate, you will need to invest in a sprayer, so take a look at the buying guide on this too.

Iron sulphate is widely considered as the go to product for removing moss within your lawn. So in general, this is the option to go for if you have a moss problem. 

Pro-Kleen iron sulphate is a great option and can be found on Amazon.

Weed, Feed and Moss Killer - 6/10

Weed, feed and moss killer is a granular treatment that can be applied to your lawn and is similar to the fertilisers. However, this treatment also includes a moss removal element to it. 

Because this treatment tries to cover a lot of bases, it tries to do them all but does none of them especially well. This may be a decent all round option to add to your lawn, but is not necessarily the best option if you specifically have a moss problem that you are looking to address.

For a good weed, feed and moss killer, you can go for the Westland Aftercut on Amazon.

Lawn Weedkiller - 5/10

If you have isolated spots of moss, a lawn weedkiller may be a good and simple option for you. This treatment is not specifically for moss, but can be handy for small patches. 

You can find Weedol Lawn Weed Killer on Amazon


Once you have killed off any moss, you will probably want to rake the lawn to remove it fully. However, you can read more about this on the guide here.

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